Bug Out - Be Safe

Products We Promote

We are just getting started so most if not all of the products we are listing here have not been officially reviewed…yet. However, they are products that we think might have a useful place in Bug Out kit. You should carefully think about the goals for your bug out kit before you purchase anything. And what you do add to your kit should fit your particular needs and wants.

Initially, the products are currently primarily being sourced through Amazon, since that is the primary way we might get any affiliation revnue to keep this web site going. However, if we come across great products that we think you should consider for your bug out kit, we will try to place it here, too–even if we have not chance of getting paid for promoting it. You and your families safety come before profit.

Emergency Blankets on Amazon

A MUST HAVE for any bug out kit. Many types on Amazon here.

Pre-Assembled Kits

If you don't know how or don't want to learn but still want some prep, these pre-built kits, on Amazon, can help.

Emergency Food

Not having to tap into your cash to get food or worry about even being able to find safe food can be a huge stress reliever. Check out these survival food kits.

First Aid Kits

If you have special medical needs, then you will need more than a first aid kit in your bug out gear. However, every bug out kit needs at least a basic first aid kit. Here are some highly rated ones on Amazon.

A Note About Current Product Selection

At this time, the Products listed on this web site are not currated. Selecting products that we will stand behind with confidence takes time and effort. When we are able to place tested products here, they will be clearly marked, as such. Until then, we will be showing links to products and services in categories that we know will be helpful to many. But be sure to do your own research–like reading product reviews–to have a greater chance of getting quality products.