Bug Out - Be Safe


We like to be as clear as possible with our policies of working with you and our policies of working with advertisers and affiliates, on issues that also affect you. If you ever have any questions, please let us know.

As a general rule, we will do nothing that compromises your privacy without your permission. By permission, we mean a clear request from us to you. We do not like hiding things in legalize. A good exmample of that is the advertising server we use on our site. We try to only use linked resources that we know also protect your privacy. If you find that we are using one that is compromising that promise, let us know. We will verify and either act to change it or share with you what we found if it appears a misunderstanding has occurred.


We do not sell or even knowingly collect your personally identifiable information without your expressed permission. Even when we do save information you you share with us, it is only for the purpose given when we collected the information. Any information you do share with us is not sold or shared in any way except for the purpose for which it was given. If you want more information, please refer to our full privacy policy page.


We are not purposely using any cookies. If there are cookies being placed it is most likely from whatever advertising engine we are using at the time. We are striving to eliminate cookies, but at least we hope to minimize them.

If we are aware of any cookies, we will let you know.


Advertising on our site is an on-going and probably never-ending effort to bring relevent ads to you while protecting your privacy. We are diligently searching for advertising that can reflect the nature of this web site and offer produts and services that are relevent and are not intrusive.

Since we do not control the advertising generation, there are bound to be ads that do not reflect the interest of this web site and with which we might even disagree. As time goes on, we hope to refine the research and get closer to this web site's purpose.

Some advertising may be directly placed with us. The advertiesment itself does not necessarily mean we endorse the product/service. If we do endorse a product, we will explicity state so.


We provide links to products and services that we think our readers will have at least some interest in seeing. Yes, we hope to generate some revenue from the purchase…if you purchase something. That is one of the various ways we are hoping to pay for this web site and to deliver to you valuable information.

So…if you like something we provide a link to purchase, please consider buying it with the link. It costs you nothing, and helps us. Thank you.