It appears that Hurricane Ian continues to make changes as hurricanes do. At this time, the best forecast shows it coming ashore between Northport and Cape Coral, Florida as a strong Category 3 hurricane.

Please listen to your local emergency services. This is a serious storm and you need to have your plan in place and ready to go. Check your insurance policy to see if it covers evacuation costs so you know your options. Get numbers from whatever volunteer services are near you. From experience and from studies, volunteers will be far more helpful to you than the government in recovering after the storm. They will be more timely and come with no strings attached. I can't tell you the nerves I had when the government started prosecuting people after the Katrina recovery for fraud…even when they did not commit fraud. But that is a post for another day.

There is still time for change and the one thing that hurricanes do is change. All we can do is act with the best information we have now. It is up to you to make decisions that are best for you and your family. Make your choices and live with the results.

All right guys, that is enough for the warnings. Let those with ears hear. Here come the graphics. They all come from the National Hurricane Center so you can find them there, too. I am not a meteorologist so I try not to give analysis. Rather I follow several and report those that I find are the most accurate over the years. Even with them, I like to see as much of the raw data as I can so that I can learn more about the storms we live with.