All right, guys, Hurricane Ian is still a dangerous storm. Yes, it is only Category 1 now, but with sustained winds still at 85 mph (and possibly going higher), you need to take it seriously. Think of the damage a strong thunderstorm can produce with a downburst of 85 mph. Now picture that going on for hours instead of just a gust. Right. Take it seriously. Also, there will be even stronger microbursts coming from Ian as well as tornados and flooding from the heavy rain. The Carolinas have different geological features from mostly flat Florida. That rain is going to produce treacherous rivers and flooding, especially in cities where streets and overpasses make for natural collection areas.

So…take precautions. Expect some power outages and make sure you have done things like filling your bathtubs with water to flush your toilet should your water stop working. Limit how long and often you open your refrigerator so that it and the food stays cool for as long as it can. Make sure your batteries are fully charged including your laptops. Even though your laptop may be a little useless without internet, it can be used as a battery to charge your cell phone.

Here are the National Hurricane Center weather maps now. FYI…there are more maps that might be very useful to you on their website. Please check them out, too.